Faculty (Mathematics)

Head of Department

Associate Professor Dr. Peter Zeiner

Email: pzeiner@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#454

Research Interests: Mathematical Crystallography, Aperiodic Order, Number Theory, Algebra

Head of Postgraduate Programs

Assistant Professor Dr. Lim Tau Shean

Email: taushean.lim@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#451

Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Interacting Particle Systems

Academic Staff

Professor Dr. Darren Ong Chung Lee

Email: darrenong@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#460

Research Interests: Spectral Theory, Quantum Dynamics

Professor Dr. Teo Lee Peng

Email: lpteo@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#458

Research Interests: Mathematical Physics, Analytic Number Theory

Associate Professor Dr. Chin Wen Cheong

Email: wcchin@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#442

Research Interests: Applied Statistics and Financial Time Series

Associate Professor Dr. Dulip Piyaratne

Email: piyaratne@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#466

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry and Homological Algebra

Associate Professor Dr. Liu Jie

Email: liujie@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#459

Research Interests: Scientific Computation, Stochastic Analysis

Associate Professor Dr. Liu Mei Feng

Email: meifeng@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#468

Research Interests: Mathematical Modeling, Composite Material, Vibration Analysis, Scientific Computation

Associate Professor Dr. Ma Jiajun

Email: jiajun.ma@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#432

Research Interests: Theta Correspondence, Representation Theory of Reductive Groups, Langlands Program

Associate Professor Dr. Mounir Nisse

Email: mounir.nisse@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#465

Research Interests: Complex and Tropical Algebraic Geometries, Enumerative Geometry (Gromov-Witten Invariants), Mirror Symmetry, and (Co)Amoebas.

Associate Professor Dr. Jan Dobrowolski

Email: jan.dobrowolski @xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#445

Research Interests: Model Theory, Algebra, Combinatorics, Topology

Associate Professor Dr. Kam Fai Tam

Email: kamfai.tam@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#443

Research Interests: Representation theory of p- adic reductive groups, endoscopic classificationsupercuspidal representations, with number theoretic applications. 


Assistant  Professor Dr. Christopher Chung Kok Tking

Email: christopher.chung@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#450

Research Interests: Quantum Algebras; Algebraic Combinatorics, Representation Theory, and Categorification

Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Azimi

Email: ali.azimi@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#447

Research Interests: Graph Theory, Group Theory, Ring Theory

Assistant Professor Dr. Altaf Ali Al-Shawba

Email: altaf.alshawba@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#456

Research Interests: Waves, Differential Equations, Fractional Calculus

Assistant Professor Dr. Arash Bazdar

Email: bazdar.arash@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#452

Research Interests: Differential Geometry, Geometric Structures, Gauge Theory

Assistant Professor Dr. Chang Ching Hao

Email: chinghao.chang@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#463

Research Interests: Topology, Symplectic Geometry, Minimal Surface

Assistant Professor Dr. Goh Chien Yong

Email: gcyong@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#446

Research Interests: EEG Signal Analysis, Spatial Analysis

Assistant Professor Dr. Liew Siaw Ching

Email: siawching.liew@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#464

Research Interests: Scientific Computation, Adaptive Analysis, Mesh-free Methods and Wavelet Methods

Assistant Professor Dr. Lim Min

Email: limmin@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#457

Research Interests: Statistical Modeling, Structural Equation Models

Assistant Professor Dr. Nurhidayah Binti Hamdan

Email: nurhidayah.hamdan@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#438

Research Interests: Statistical modeling, Bayesian computational statistics, Monte Carlo simulation, actuarial mathematics.

Assistant Professor Dr. Nge Kie Seng

Email: kieseng.nge@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#448

Research Interests: Representation theory, categorization, aspects of homological algebra: interplay between topology, symmetric geometry and category of representations of algebras, knot invariant from braid group actions.

Assistant Professor Dr. Athirah Binti Zulkarnain

Email: athirah.zulkarnain@xmu.edu.my 

Office: A4#461 

Research Interests: Group Theory, Graph Theory

Assistant Professor Dr. Keng Ying Ying

Email: yingying.keng@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#462

Research Interests: Network Analysis, Mathematical Sociology

Assistant Professor Dr. Lu Yufeng

Email: yufeng.lu@xmu.edu.my

Office: A4#439

Research Interests: Harmonic Analysis, Comparison Geometry

Assistant Professor Dr. Koh Siew Khew

Email: siewkhew.koh@xmu.edu.my

Office: A1#320

Research Interests: Queuing Theory, Probability and Statistics

Dr. Hishamuddin Zainuddin

Email: hishamuddin.zainuddin@xmu.edu.my

Office: -

Research Interests: Quantization, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Information, Mathematical Physics (Geometry, Topology, Category Theory in Physics)

Visiting Staff

Professor Dr. Liu Shibo

Email: shibo.liu@xmu.edu.my

Research Interests: Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Variational Methods for Nonlinear Differential Equations

Visiting Period: Apr 2020 - Aug 2020

Professor Dr. Liu Wenfei

Email: wenfei.liu@xmu.edu.my

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry

Visiting Period: Apr 2019 - Aug 2019

Professor Dr. Xia Chao

Email: chaoxia@xmu.edu.cn

Research Interests: Geometric Analysis, Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations

Visiting Period: Sep 2018 - Jan 2019

Associate Professor Dr. Huang Can

Email: canhuang@xmu.edu.my

Research Interests: Numerical methods for fractional differential equations, Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations

Visiting Period: Sep 2019 - Jan 2020

Associate Professor Dr. Huang Xueying

Email: xyhuang@xmu.edu.my

Research Interests: Image-based Ventricle Models, and Image-based Artery Models, using image-based computational modeling to perform quantitative mechanical analysis for both of blood fluid and blood vessel/heart, Special interests in CT-based 3D FSI model for left ventricle in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, and atherosclerotic plaque progression and rupture

Visiting Period: Apr 2020 - Aug 2020, Sep 2016 - Jan 2017

Associate Professor Dr. Yu Nina

Email: yunina@xmu.edu.my

Research Interests: Vertex operator algebra, infinite dimensional Lie algebra and mathematical physics

Visiting Period: Apr 2019 - Aug 2019, Apr 2017 - Aug 2017

Assistant Professor Dr. Fang Ming

Email: mfang@xmu.edu.cn

Research Interests: Probability and Statistics

Visiting period: Sep 2018 - Jan 2019

Faculty (Mathematics)