Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) program at Xiamen University Malaysia is one of the fastest growing and renowned TCM course among universities in Malaysia. The course focuses on nurturing TCM practitioners with knowledge in TCM theories and clinical skills- combine with rigorous western medicine curriculum.

The Pre-Clinical Stage

The first four years of this course are devoted to strengthen the fundamental knowledge and skills among students. They were encouraged to develop critical thinking, communicating and collaborating skills in identify and differentiating diseases, analyse and apply various TCM treatment approaches. Students will gain in-depth clinical knowledge by regular attachment (at least 80 hours per year) to the sites of apprenticeship. To date, more than 40 TCM and primary health clinics sign up MOU with XMUM for partnerships in training and research collaborations.


In the clinical stage of the course (5th year), internship abroad is fully conducted in Xiamen, China. The 48-week internship is delivered by both TCM practitioners and consultants of western medicine from the following hospitals:

(1) Xiamen University Xiang'an Hospital

(2) The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University

(3) Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University

(4) Xiamen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

(5) Longyan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

(6) Tong'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Alongside the development of clinical experience, students graduated from this course possess good perspective to future career path and opportunities to pursue TCM postgraduate study in China top-ranked universities.





(1) 厦门大学附属翔安医院

(2) 厦门大学附属厦门第一医院

(3) 厦门大学附属中山医院

(4) 厦门市中医院

(5) 厦门大学附属龙岩中医院

(6) 同安中医院


到中国厦门进行为期48周的中西医海外实习 —— 获益匪浅。


中医系授袍仪式 —— 医者仁心 任重道远。

Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine