Career fairs have always been most beneficial to job seekers, primarily students who are looking for internship opportunities and fresh graduates seeking full-time employment. Far from being a student platform, it is also a channel for recruiters to hire the right people for their clients and for companies to invite applications and connect with prospective employees.
Hence, it is the aim of Career Services Office to launch a career fair that provides students with the opportunity to interact with diverse communities and companies, and to map their aspirations and career plans. it is about adding value and sustainability to one’s future. However, with the current pandemic, we were required to think out of the box and to find a creative manner in bringing two parties together. Therefore, together with our event partner, GTI Media Sdn Bhd, we came up with the ultimate plan of executing our very first “XMUM Digital Career & Internship Fair” via the “ConnectNOW” app.
All students need to do is download the “ConnectNOW” app and register in the link provided by us. Usually Career Fair is a one-day event however, with it being a digital one, we decided to lengthen the period from 1 day to a 5-day fair. This gives both students and employers an opportunity to not rush into a decision whether it’s seeking the perfect internship placement or to interview students in a more peaceful setting.
In the modern landscape, digital career fairs are a vibrant meeting place for both employers and employees. It not only connects job hunters with their desired employers but also allows employers to conduct casual chats and virtual interviews on the spot. Job seekers will see it as an opportune time to market themselves and pitch for the right jobs while employers will have a plethora of talents and skills to screen and select.
Beyond the personal and corporate pitch, organizers do conduct talks on selected careers and tips on getting hired. This is especially useful for students who may just want to acquaint themselves with various professions and companies, and who want to better equip themselves for the job-seeking process. Among the companies that were part of our webinars were:
1. Kibing Group – “Glass Manufacturing Background”
2. Teleperformance – “Introduction to BPO & How to Write a Proper Resume”
3. Plus Solar – “Passion Matters: Navigating Your Career
4. RHB Banking Group – “How to Nail Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) During Interview”
5. Alliance Bank – “Mastering Your Next Virtual Interview”
Most attendees of the digital career fair shared that they have gained much from the webinars, networking and exhibitions. Even if they had not landed on the right employer, it was a positive experience that took them to the digital world.
We want to take this opportunity to thank all the companies that were present during our XMUM Digital Career & Internship Fair 2020. We are beyond grateful that even during the current pandemic, companies are actively recruiting students to be part of their family. Our heartiest thank you to our event partner, GTI Media Sdn Bhd for successfully executing this year’s Digital Career & Internship Fair.
因此,厦门大学马来西亚分校(马校)就业与实习部每年都会举办校招会,提供学生与公司互动的机会,规划他们的求职志向和职业计划等。由于今年疫情的蔓延,马校必须针对性地改变以往校招的举办方式,并有效地让公司与学生有一个合适的交流平台。因此,我校与GTI Media Sdn Bhd联手合作举办本次的数码校招,同学通过下载“ ConnectNOW”应用程序即可浏览相关的校招咨询和活动。
在籍马校学生需要在我们提供的链接中注册一个账户,下载“ ConnectNOW”应用程序并参与本次的数码校招。这次的数码校招一共举办五天,这给学生和雇主都提供了一个更充裕的交流和面试机会。因此,同学不必急于做决定,并可有效地规划且寻找理想的实习和工作岗位。
1. Kibing Group 旗滨集团 – “生产高端玻璃产品的幕后过程”
2. Teleperformance 互联企信集团 - “认识业务流程外包模式以及如何强化个人履历“
3. Plus Solar – “专业职业导航”
4. RHB Bank 兴业银行 - “工作面试难不倒我 – 如何掌握求职面试的独特技巧“
5. Alliance Bank 安联银行 - “如何有信心的面对虚拟求职面试”
最后,我校借此机会感谢所有出席本次数码校招的公司,即使在当前的疫情期间,公司仍在积极招募我校学生,网罗不同背景的人才。此外,我们也衷心感谢本次活动的协办方— GTI Media Sdn Bhd 给予多方面的配合,使得本次的数码校招会圆满落幕!