Chemical Engineering Students Win Technical Case Study Competition Champion in An Engineering Challenge 2024


The Research and Postgraduate Centre congratulates a team of Chemical Engineering undergraduates - Emre Haziq bin Azhar, Sim Jian Hao, Kang Chuang Hsing - and their supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Yee Kian Fei for being awarded national champion in the CEUC An Engineering Challenge (AEC) 2024: Technical Case Study Competition. 

Organized by Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Club of Universiti Malaya, the competition aimed to foster a dynamic environment for innovative problem-solving and offer a comprehensive platform for participants to showcase their analytical, critical thinking and presentation skills as well as raise awareness among participants towards the importance of sustainability in the manufacturing industry. 

The XMUM team - X-Nitrile - demonstrated a high team working spirit along the way and proposed sustainable and economic solutions to the provided general topic of “Pyrolysis of Waste Nitrile Gloves (WNG) into Fuel”. On 27 April 2024, they gave a  presentation titled Mitigation of Environmental Impacts from Pyrolysis of Waste Nitrile Gloves (WNG) Into Fuel” physically at UM. Solutions proposed include co-pyrolysis of WNG with plastics and non-edible biomass; utilization of the by-product (biochar) as soil carbon sequestration, soil fertilizer and activated carbon; repurposing the generated carbon dioxide into urea for fertilizer and potential jet fuel production.

Research & Innovation

A Glance at XMUM