NESE Undergraduate Wins POPSIG Student Research Project Bursary 2023


The Research and Postgraduate Centre congratulates Loh Chee Yan, an undergraduate student from Department of New Energy Science and Engineering (NESE), School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, for being awarded the IChemE Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG) Student Research Project Bursary 2023.

Loh Chee Yan receives the award from Mr. Chia Ing Chuk, Global Refining Technology Leader, Desmet Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Sponsored by Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and Desmet Malaysia Sdn Bhd, POPSIG Research Project Bursary 2023 aims to promote a six-month palm oil-related original research among undergraduates and postgraduates.

Loh Chee Yan is the only awardee this year.

Chee Yan is stands out with her project “Biodiesel production from palm oil using barium oxide-reduced graphene oxide bifunctional catalyst. The project is conducted under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Lai Sin Yuan from the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, and in collaboration with Prof. Dato' Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Mohamed from University Sains Malaysua, Asst. Prof. Dr. Foo Chuan Yi, Ms. Lee Xi Wen (NESE undergraduate), Ms. Rabiah Nizah binti Md Fahmy, Ms. Siti Najihah binti Md Hashim and Ms. Aqilah Fasihah binti Rusli from XMUM.

Team photo taken after the event. From left: Loh Chee Yan, Dr. Lai Sin Yuan, and Lee Xi Wen

Palm oil has been widely recognized because of its cost-effectiveness, abundance, and superior oil yield. It has been used as a feedstock for producing biodiesel, a sustainable fuel with high-energy content and minimal environmental impacts.

With the purposes of promoting circular economy, advocating environmental sustainability, advancing innovative technology, and new insights in academics, this study explores a dual functionality catalyst in the transformation of palm oil into biodiesel. It focuses on catalyst engineering with physio-chemical properties, and optimizing biodiesel reaction conditions.

Loh Chee Yan

Participating in the POPSIG Student Research Project Bursary has been an incredibly rewarding experience, which has equipped me with skills that are indispensable in the academic and professional world. It has transformed me into a more capable and confident individual, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that the future holds. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. Lai, for her valuable guidance, unwavering support, and expertise. I am also grateful to my collaborators and friends who have helped me reach the successful completion of this research undertaking. Hopefully, this project will offer valuable insights into the biodiesel development and the palm oil industry. I want to express my sincere thanks to all those who were part of this enriching collaborative effort for the priceless chance.”

Dr. Lai Sin Yuan

ChM. Dr. Lai Sin Yuan is an Assistant Professor at the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, at Xiamen University Malaysia. Her research interests are green chemistry, materials science, catalysis and photocatalysis, and nanomaterials for energy and environmental sustainability. Dr. Lai Sin Yuanis currently recruiting students. Interested candidates are welcomed to contact her at

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