Dr. Tan Jian Ping & Team Publish in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering


The Research and Postgraduate Centre congratulates Tey Ker Yee and Asst. Prof. Dr. Tan Jian Ping from the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering for publishing an article “Current analysis on 1,3-propanediol production from glycerol via pure wild strain fermentation” in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, a SCI Q1 journal with an impact factor of 7.7.

Tey Ker Yee, the first author of the article, is currently a master student in the Department of New Energy Science and Engineering. This review was conducted in collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeap Swee Keong and Dr. Hui Yew Woh from the China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences, Xiamen University Malaysia.

Dr. Tan Jian Ping is Tey Ker Yee’s supervisor and the corresponding author of the article.

This review article highlights the key factors affecting on large-scale bioproduction of 1,3-propanediol (1,3- PDO) including fermentation modes, aeration conditions, substrate tolerance ability, and extent of metabolite inhibition by different bacterial strains. Biotransformation of glycerol using natural microorganisms has been identified as an efficient and environmentally friendly technique to produce 1,3-PDO which in line with Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities where a circular bioeconomy around palm oil and biodiesel industries can be established.This review serves as an all-rounded review on the recent advances of bio-based 1,3-PDO produced from pure culture glycerol fermentation.

This research is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) under Technology Development Fund 1 (TeD 1), project number TDF07211418. This research is also supported by Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF), grant number 220527STRG0160 and Xiamen University Malaysia Research Fund (XMUMRF), project number XMUMRF/2022-C10/IENG/0047].

 This article can be found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2023.110998

Tan Jian Ping

Dr. Tan Jian Ping is an Assistant Professor at the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia. His research interest includes fermentation technology, biochemical and biorefinery processes.

Tey Ker Yee

Tey Ker Yee: “It was indeed a great honour to publish this review paper in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering with the continuous support from my supervisor, Dr. Tan Jian Ping. This is an interesting opportunity for me to gain valuable insights on various factors influencing the glycerol conversion to value-added 1,3-PDO through microbial process. I hope that this review paper can guide future researchers towards effective bio-based 1,3-PDO production.”

Tey Ker Yee is the project leader for the first Science & Technology Research Grant (STRG) funded by Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) to Xiamen University Malaysia under the supervision of Dr. Tan Jian Ping from the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia.

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