Xiamen University Malaysia is an authorized test centre for IELTS, MUET and MUET-on-Demand. As such, these tests will be conducted in the university.
1. Registration
1) Visit the English Lounge at B1#G03 or email eled@xmu.edu.my to register for their preferred English competency test.
2) Fill in the common test registration form (please download here) for all tests. Students who intend to sit for IELTS test will have to fill out the official IELTS form, and submit it to ELEC together with a copy of their passport/identity card.
3) Use the form to make payment at Finance office (B1#216) and then return it to ELEC.
4) ELEC and the respective test partners will send confirmation emails a week before the test date.
*Please note that there are different registration deadlines for each test type, and this will be released via email to all students:
IELTS – 7 days before test date
MUET – 3 months before test date
MUET-on-demand – 14 days before test date
2. Release & collection of test reports
IELTS (paper-based) & UKVI
1) IELTS (paper-based) and UKVI test reports are typically available 13 days from the test date. Results can be previewed online on the 13 day via the link https://www.ieltsessentials.com/results
2) Official test reports will be sent to the university, and students who have registered with the university will be able to collect the reports at B1#G03 (The English Lounge) three (3) days after its official release.
IELTS (computer-delivered)
1) Computer-delivered IELTS test results are typically available within 5-7 days from the test date. Results can be previewed online within 5-7 days at https://www.ieltsessentials.com/results.
2) Official test reports will be sent to the university, and students who have registered with the university will be able to collect the reports at B1#G03 (The English Lounge) three (3) days after its official release.
MUET (Regular)
1) MUET test reports are typically available two months from the test date. Results can be previewed online via the link http://webmpm1.mpm.edu.my/muet_result/
2) Official test reports will be sent to the university, and students who have registered with the university will be able to collect the reports at B1#G03 (The English Lounge) 30 days after its official release.
MUET-on-Demand (MOD)
1) MOD results are available 19 days from the test date. Results can be previewed online via the link http://webmpm1.mpm.edu.my/muet_result/
2) Official test reports will be sent to the university, and students who have registered with the university will be able to collect the reports at B1#G03 (The English Lounge) 30 days after its official release.
3. Detailed Test Information