A team from Xiamen University Malaysia won Bronze Award and Silver Award in the Asia Youth Innovation Competition 2023, under the category “Industrial and Product Design, Web Interface Design & Printing Technology”.
The Asian Youth Innovation Awards were launched in 2014 by Malaysia Technology Expo, one of the region’s most recognised and respected international invention exhibitions, with the aims to nurture, develop, and encourage youth engagement in Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Team members: Guo Haonan, Li Jiayin, Jiang Jixiu, Zhong Yanjun, Ng Wei Chen, Qu Ziran, Ts. Dr. Siti Nurliana Binti Jamali, Ts. Dr. Teh Jia Yew and Dr. Burra Venkata Durga Kumar
Silver Award Project: Pyschomate Mental Health Monitor
Project description: The pyschomate is divided into acquisition and treatment sections in the front end section, including video acquisition, voice acquisition, EEG acquisition and treatment part.
Bronze Award Project: Self-service Hair Dying Machine
Project description: It is an automatic machine that can quickly color, spray and dye the hair.