Chemical Engineering Students Win Second Place in IEM Integrated Design Project Short Video Competition 2024


The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre congratulate a group of Chemical Engineering final year undergraduate students - Gabriella Ivana Sugianto, Ma Kexin and Zhao Yingzhan and their supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Yee Kian Fei from Department of Chemical Engineering for being awarded Second Place in the IEM Integrated Design Project Short Video Competition 2024, under the category of “Best Integration of Industry Standards and Practices”.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) offers a transformative solution for reducing aviation emissions. This short video showcases an ambitious capstone project: the design of a cutting-edge SAF production plant utilizing discarded palm oil trunks through the innovative gasification-Fischer-Tropsch process. The plant produces 330 kilotons of SAF annually, setting new benchmarks for sustainability and efficiency. By integrating advanced engineering strategies, the facility achieves significant energy savings while maintaining profitability, with a payback period of just 5.8 years. This video highlights how waste can fuel the skies, reduce emissions, and create a cleaner future.

This competition was organized by the Engineering Education Technical Division (E2TD), the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). It encourages all Malaysian Engineering and Engineering Technology undergraduate students to submit a 5-minute pitch presentation based on completed Capstone or Integrated Design Project from 2024, in the 4 categories of “Best Collaboration and Teamwork”, “Best Real-World Relevance and Sustainability”, “Most Innovative Approach to IDP”, “Best Integration of Industry Standards and Practices”. The submitted 5-minute pitch presentation was viewed and judged by experienced capstone / project coordinators and industrial engineers.

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In 2022 and 2023, the First Place award was won by CME final-year students in the chemical category of IEM Integrated Design Project Short Video Competitionon the Production of Purified Ethylenediamine (EDA) and Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Yee Kian Fei.

Xu Xiaoyu, Teoh Jin Ye, Guo Xiaoxian, Zhou Yubang (2023): Production of Purified Ethylenediamine (EDA).

News article link:

Koh Hau Sern, Loh Hoi Xin, Fang Xiao, Huang Jun (2022): Production of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA).

News article link:

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