Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM) is placed 3rd in Malaysia based on Nature Index Ranking from 1 December 2022 to 31 November 2023, marking continual progress in the University's research excellence.
Nature Index is an open database that tracks institutions and countries and their scientific output. The Index tracks contributions to research articles published in high quality natural science and health science journals, chosen based on reputation by an independent group of researchers.
XMUM has also recorded a total of 12 counts from 8 journals (Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, Geophysical Research Letters, Nature Communications, Science and Science Advances) and 5 subject areas (chemistry, biological science, earth and environmental sciences, health sciences and physical sciences).
For more information: https://www.nature.com/nature-index/institution-outputs/articles/all/global/Malaysia/Xiamen%20University%20Malaysia%20%28XMUM%29/all
To objectively measure the scientific output of institutions and countries, Nature Index ranks leading institutions and countries by the number of scientific articles and papers published in leading journals. Only articles published in 82 selected high-quality journals are counted. These journals are selected by an independent committee. The Nature Index uses a fractional count, called Share, which takes each article's share of authorship into account.