NPUPC 2023
Quantum Information Meetup 2023
Speaker: Assoc/Prof. Yuan-Sen Ting, Australian National University
Title: Can Artificial Inteligence Generate Scientific Hypothesis?
Date: 21st July 2023, 3 pm-4pm, #A5-G06
Speaker: Assoc/Prof. Rainer Dumke, Nanyang Technological University
Title: Atomic and Superconducting Quantum devices
Date: 3 Feb 2023, 11 am, #A4-104
External Examiner Visit
Visit of External Examiner Prof. Dr. Roslan Abd. Shukor from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for Interview Faculty, Students on overall program, syllabus, conducts, methods & etc, 11 October 2022
Title: Simulations of iron under the Earth's core conditions
(8/03/2023, 12pm-1pm, online via Teams)
Bio: Yang Sun is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, Xiamen University. He received B.Sc and PhD in 2011 and 2016 from the University of Science and Technology in China. He performed postdoctoral research at Ames National Laboratory-US DOE and Columbia University in 2016-2020. Before joining Xiamen University, he was an Associate Research Scientist at the Department of Applied Physics, Columbia University, and a Research Scientist at the Department of Physics, Iowa State University. He uses first-principle calculation and molecular dynamics simulations to understand the structure and properties of matter under extremely high pressure and temperature conditions. His recent research focuses on the structure and phase transition of Earth's core materials. He has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals, including PNAS, PRL, The Innovation, ACS Nano, and GRL.
Abstract: Iron is the primary element in the Earth's core. The properties of iron and its alloy under extremely high pressure and temperature conditions are fundamental to understanding the Earth's internal structure and evolution. Recent simulations provide important information about Earth's core that is hard to access from laboratory or seismic measurements. In this talk, I will show our recent work on iron's phases, their nucleation processes, and the theory-experiment collaborative discovery of Fe-rich FeO compounds under Earth's core conditions. I will discuss the implication of these simulations on the Earth's core composition, structure, and formation process.
Title: Surface plasmon resonance and light-field manipulation at the nanoscale
(15/03/2023, 12pm-1pm, online via Teams)
Bio:Yang Zhilin is a professor in the Department of Physics, Xiamen University, and received his PhD in 2006. He has long been engaged in nanophotonic research, and has led over 10 national natural science research projects. He has published over 180 papers, with more than 12,000 citations and an H index of 50.
Abstract: This report will briefly introduce the science and applications of nanophotonics, highlining some of the exciting recent progress made by our group in the field including the physical mechanism of light manipulation at the nanoscale, ultrafast & ultrasensitive characterisation of nanostructures, and new developments in plasmonic applications.
Title: Blackbody radiation and ultraviolet catastrophe
(22 March 2023, 12pm - 1pm Online via Microsoft Teams)
Bio: Prof Jiao Wang has long been engaged in theoretical studies on complex dynamical systems, quantum chaos, relaxation and transport problems.
Abstract: It is widely believed that the ultraviolet catastrophe resulted from the classical blackbody radiation theory (i.e., Rayleigh's law) is one cause of quantum mechanics. However, the ultraviolet catastrophe is not the result of classical mechanics, but is based on an unproven statistical hypothesis that simply extends the equipartition that simply extends the equipartition theorem to systems with infinite degrees of freedom. Recently, research on a classical radiation cavity model has shown that the blackbody radiation distribution obtained from the classical Newton equation of motion and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory - without any assumptions - does not result in any catastrophe; On the contrary, the result is consistent with the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which has been confirmed experimentally. Therefore, it is necessary to revisit the relationship between classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics in this context.
Title: Topological Superconductors for Topological Quantum Computer
(12 May 2023, 2.45pm -3.45pm - Physics Lecture, 4.00pm - 4.45pm - Sharing Session)
Speaker: Professor Yew San Hor, Materials Research Centre, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, US
Abstract: Topological superconductors are a promising avenue for developing topological quantum computers due to their unique properties. These superconductors possess a complete pairing gap in their bulk, along with gapless surface states that consist of spinless Majorana fermions. The presence of these Majorana fermionic surface states is crucial for the development of topological quantum computers. Theoretical physicist Alexei Kitaev proposed the idea that braids formed by the world lines of Majorana fermions could be used to create logic gates for quantum computing. Compared to other quantum computing technologies, such as those that use confined atomic ions or superconducting devices, topological quantum computers are believed to be more stable because the topological properties of braids are immune to perturbations that can cause errors in quantum states. Majorana zero modes, which are non-Abelian anyons predicted to exist on the surfaces of topological superconductors, semiconductors, or insulator/superconductor heterostructures, are key to building topological quantum computers. This presentation will discuss the discovery of promising topological quantum materials and explore how they can be utilized in the development of topological quantum computing devices.