Industrial Collaboration


Industrial Talk

31 October 2022: 3.00pm - 4.00pm, A5-G01

Speaker:   Mr. Philip Bernard Saram, Senior Vice President Global Western Digital

Title:  The Innovator & 4IR adoption 

Visit by distinguishing industrial advisor Mr. Philip Bernard Saram, Senior Vice President, Global HDD Operations, Western Digital 31 Oct 2022. Our deepest appreciation to our distinguishing industrial advisor for the visit and sharing on Innovation, The Innovator & 4IR adopt gold.

Faculty Visit

Visit of faculty members to Western Digital KL Center of Excellence, 1 December 2022. Thank you for hosting us and also a wonderful discussion session. We look forward to further collaboration.

Vice president dr Zhang Ying, Professor Ong Chong Kim and Dr. Kelvin Ooi visited TOP Gloves on 29 November 2022

Industrial Collaborations (Physics)

A Glance at XMUM