Physics Lab
This is a guided design lab module to stimulate students’ creativity in designing experiments and/or instruments for the investigation of physics phenomena. Students will be divided into groups. They work as a team to solve problems. Each of the groups needs to design an experiment about mechanics or thermodynamics(PHY206), incorporating Arduino as the main measurement tool. Each group will be allocated a small budget to buy some accessories they need in setting up their experiment. There is no examination in this course. 100% of the course mark is from the continuous assessments. The continuous assessments include weekly discussions, a final report, and a poster presentation.
The centripetal acceleration on a rotating disk is investigated.
Using Arduino to measure the resistance at various temperatures.
Investigation of the motion of the pendulum with an accelerometer.
The student is explaining their design to the judge during the poster presentation.
Students need to answer the questions asked by the judge.
Students demonstrate their experiment to the judge.
The students are listening to the comments given by the judge.