Student Research


Undergraduate Final Year Project

In the final year of your academic journey, each mathematics student is required to undertake an individual final year project that spans two long semesters. This extended duration allows students to delve deeply into their chosen research theme and develop additional knowledge and abilities in the field of mathematical sciences. Throughout the project, students are expected to present their original ideas or scientific findings through oral presentations, catering to a diverse audience. This not only enhances their communication skills but also fosters the ability to articulate complex concepts effectively. Moreover, the The project emphasizes the importance of autonomy, as students are required to work independently, demonstrating their capability to manage time, resources, and tasks efficiently.To further enhance their scientific reporting skills, students are encouraged to utilize a variety of technological applications to prepare comprehensive scientific reports and succinctly summarize their research findings. Additionally, critical thinking skills are emphasized, enabling students to engage in life-long learning and navigate challenges effectively. Furthermore, the project emphasizes the significance of ethical conduct and professionalism in conducting independent research, ensuring that students adhere to ethical guidelines and maintain a high standard of integrity throughout their project.enabling students to engage in life-long learning and navigate challenges effectively. Furthermore, the project emphasizes the significance of ethical conduct and professionalism in conducting independent research, ensuring that students adhere to ethical guidelines and maintain a high standard of integrity throughout their project.enabling students to engage in life-long learning and navigate challenges effectively. Furthermore, the project emphasizes the significance of ethical conduct and professionalism in conducting independent research, ensuring that students adhere to ethical guidelines and maintain a high standard of integrity throughout their project.

"The final year project is really helpful for math students as it helps them grow intellectually and prepare for their future careers while gaining a better understanding of mathematical concepts through solving scientific and real-life problems. They can dig deeper into topics they are interested in and learn different mathematical methods and techniques. Additionally, by taking this course students become active learners who can understand difficult math problems, think critically, make guesses, analyze data, and come up with meaningful conclusions. These skills are crucial in many jobs where it is important to make decisions based on evidence and solve problems effectively. Writing a final year project report let students to learn important skills such as finding information, checking sources carefully, understanding data,and making thoughtful conclusions.

Another significant aspect of the final year project is the provision of opportunities for students to learn from their supervisors and establish valuable connections. By working with experienced professors, students join a group of individuals who have spent a long time in academic institutions. These professors can help them by providing valuable feedback to enhance their problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical abilities.  In addition, engaging in final year projects can potentially result in opportunities to present findings at conferences or have their work published in academic journals. This allows students to present their work and connect with other professionals. This experience helps them develop strong communication skills, which can open up more opportunities for research, graduate school, and finding careers in math-related fields. ”

Final Year Project Coordinator: Assistant Prof. Dr. Arash Bazdar

Some of our students have obtained remarkable results. Their results were published in international journals, presented at conferences and even presented at art exhibitions. We are proud of them .”

Head of Department: Associate Prof. Dr. Peter Zeiner

Student Research Activities

MAT Student


Yawen Ma

Yawen Ma and Lee-Peng Teo, 2022. A nother Proof of Zagier's Matrix Conjecture. Journal of Integer Sequences, vol(25), 22.6.4.

Angie Loh Yan Bin

Alwin Chong Kinnam

Angie Loh Yan Bin, Alwin Chong Kinnam, Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min, 2022. Crude Oil Market Risk Evaluation under the Presence of Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Energy and Development, Volume 47(2), 155-175.

Alwin Chong Kinnam

Angie Loh Yan Bin

Alwin Chong Kinnam, Angie Loh Yan Bin , Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min, Gloria Teng Ai Hui. Gold Price Volatility and Forecasting Evaluations with the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic. To appear in the Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2023.

Zixian Gong

Zixian Gong. 2022. The World Temperature Changes Related to Atmospheric Concentrations in the 21st Century Based on Machine Learning.Proceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Development (ICSSED 2022)

Leng Jing Teng

Leng Jing Teng, Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min.  2023. Market Risk Data Analytics for Selected Asian Stock Markets during the Pandemic COVID-19. SEMINAR KEBANGSAAN INSTITUT STATISTIK MALAYSIA KE-17 (SKISM-XVII) (2023).Selected in Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis , 19(2) , 57-72.

Yam Xing Quan

Thai Xue Yang

Choo Yun Fei

Yam Xing Quan, Thai Xue Yang, Choo Yun Fei , Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min. 2023. Asymmetric Volatility and Risk Analysis of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market. SEMINAR KEBANGSAAN INSTITUT STATISTIK MALAYSIA KE-17 (SKISM-XVII) (2023).Selected in Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis , 19(2) , 73-79.

Jiang Yuhan

Yin Deru

Fan Suze

Jiang Yuhan, Yin Deru, Fan Suze,  Chin Wen Cheong.  2021.The Impact of COVID-19 to Value-at-Risk Evaluations for the selected Global Financial Stock Markets. Poster in 8th Malaysia Statistics Conference 2021

Loh Jia Jun

Darren Ong Chung Lee and Mr Loh Jia Jun .

Abstract Art Generated by Quasicrystal Diffraction

ASM ArtScience Prize 2022 Exhibition.

Bear in mind that publishing research as an undergraduate is not a requirement for success in academia or industry, but it can offer unique advantages and increase your competitiveness in applying for graduate programs or research positions.

Darren Ong Chung Lee and Mr Loh Jia Jun. Abstract Art Generated by Quasicrystal Diffraction.ASM ArtScience Prize 2022 Exhibition.

Yawen Ma and Lee-Peng Teo, 2022. A nother Proof of Zagier's Matrix Conjecture. Journal of Integer Sequences, vol (25), 22.6.4.

MyStats2021 Poster Presentation by Jiang Yuhan.

Angie Loh Yan Bin, Alwin Chong Kinnam, Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min, 2022. Crude Oil Market Risk Evaluation under the Presence of Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Energy and Development, Volume 47(2), 155-175.

Yam Xing Quan, Thai Xue Yang, Choo Yun Fei, Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min. 2023. Asymmetric Volatility and Risk Analysis of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market, Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis , 19(2) , 73-79.


Structure of test magnetic fields and charged particle motion around the Hayward spacetime
Ziou Yang (PHY 2020/09)  and Yen-Kheng Lim
Physical Review D 105  124045 (2022)

Another Proof of Zagier's Matrix Conjecture
Yawen Ma (MAT 2018/09) , Lee-Peng Teo
Journal of Integer Sequences (2022)

The World Temperature Changes Related to Atmospheric Concentrations in the 21st Century Based on Machine Learning
Zixian Gong (MAT 2020/09)
Proceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Development (ICSSED 2022)

Crude Oil Market Risk Evaluation under the Presence of Covid-19 Pandemic
Angie Loh Yan Bin (MAT2019/04), Alwin Chong Kinnam (MAT 2019/02), Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min
Journal of Energy and Development, Volume 47(2), 155-175. (2022)

Gold Price Volatility and Forecasting Evaluations with the Impact of  Covid-19 Pandemic
Alwin Chong Kinnam (MAT 2019/02), Angie Loh Yan Bin (MAT2019/04)Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min, Gloria Teng Ai Hui
To appear in the Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Volume 25. (2022)

The Impact of COVID-19 to Value-at-Risk Evaluations for the selected Global Financial Stock Markets

Jiang Yuhan, Yin Deru, Fan Suze, Chin Wen Cheong
Poster in 8th Malaysia Statistics Conference 2021

Orbital mechanics and quasiperiodic oscillation resonances of black holes in Einstein-Æther theory

Mustapha Azreg-Aïnou, Zihang Chen (MAT 1809) , Bojun Deng (MAT1809) , Mubasher Jamil, Tao Zhu, Qiang Wu, and Yen-Kheng Lim
Physical Review D 102  044028 (2020)

Market Risk Data Analytics for Selected Asian Stock Markets during the Pandemic COVID-19.

Leng Jing Teng , Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min.


Asymmetric Volatility and Risk Analysis of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market.

Yam Xing Quan, Thai Xue Yang, Choo Yun Fei , Chin Wen Cheong, Lim Min.


Students (Physics & Mathematics)

A Glance at XMUM